Title: “Inked and Misunderstood: My Experience as Britain’s Most Tattooed Woman”

A British woman named Becky Holt, known as the country’s ‘most tattooed woman,’ recently shared her experiences of being denied service at bars and restaurants due to the assumption that her tattoos are associated with gangs. Despite facing such discrimination, the 34-year-old from Cheshire emphasized that these incidents are rare but still something she has to be mindful of. Holt, who has invested over £35,000 in tattoos covering 95% of her body, including intricate designs on her face, neck, armpits, and genitals, disclosed that while most people are polite to her in person, she has received negative comments online about her appearance and the number of tattoos she has.

Becky Holt - who has a two-year-old daughter - said she gets frustrated when people ask about how the tattoos will age as the years go by

Becky Holt, a mother of a two-year-old daughter, expressed her annoyance at people questioning how her tattoos will age over time. She emphasized that good skin at 60 is difficult to maintain, regardless of having tattoos. The tattoos on her body often lead to interesting conversations, with people inquiring about their meanings and the pain involved in getting them.

The influencer has previously shared encounters where strangers made rude comments about her appearance, labeling her as ‘thuggish’. During an appearance on This Morning in 2021, Becky disclosed that her first tattoo was her boyfriend’s name on her crotch at the young age of 15. She recounted a social experiment for television where she covered all her tattoos, noting that people were more willing to help her without the ink. This experiment aimed to observe how differently people treated her when she requested assistance or information.

Becky has in the past opened up about strangers being 'really rude' about her appearance and body art

Becky has spoken out about facing harsh criticism from strangers regarding her appearance and tattoos. She mentioned that people have been rude to her because of her body art, with some believing it gives off a “thuggish” vibe that intimidates them. Despite the negativity, Becky remains unbothered by others’ opinions, asserting that it is her body and her choice to express herself however she likes.

Initially, Becky kept her tattoos hidden until the age of 22. However, with a growing social media following of 152,000 on Instagram, she decided to showcase her body art more boldly. Reflecting on her tattoo experiences, Becky shared that the most painful spots were her armpit, pits, crotch, and intimate areas, describing the process as horrific but bearable.

The model and OnlyFans creator from Cheshire has spent more than £35,000 on her tattoos - which cover 95 per cent of her body

The Cheshire-based model and OnlyFans content creator has invested over £35,000 in her extensive tattoo collection, which adorns 95% of her body.

Until she was 22, all of the tats were hidden - but after a while Becky decided to be bolder with her body art

For the first 22 years of her life, Becky kept all her tattoos hidden, but eventually, she made the decision to embrace more daring body art.

The model explained that her body ink acts as a good conversation starter, as people are curious about the significance and meaning behind the tattoos

The model shared that her tattoos serve as a great icebreaker in conversations because people are always curious to know the stories and meanings behind each design. She enjoys the uniqueness and artistry of each tattoo, appreciating the time and commitment it takes to create such beautiful artwork on her body.

Embracing her love for standing out, she decided to cover her body in tattoos, starting with a large one of Ganesh on her thigh. As she gradually added more ink, including a tribute to her favorite movie, “Labyrinth,” her tattoos became more prominent on her legs and arms. While some tattoos have personal significance, like ones dedicated to her family members, others are chosen simply for their aesthetic and beauty. She plans to continue adding more ink, including her daughter’s name in the future.

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